User-centric, benefit-focused educational content design aimed at target user groups.
Adobe Premiere Pro regained market share and leapfrogged Apple Final Cut Pro to emerge as the leading video editing app.
As a content designer, I contributed user guides on a number of topics related to the audio features of Premiere Pro and Audition, including:
Challenge: Integrated with Premiere Pro, Adobe Audition is a versatile and powerful audio editing app. But it had a very limited installed base and negligible brand awareness among broadcast audio professionals – our main target user group.
Adobe wanted broadcast professionals to understand Audition’s depth and potential, in order to capture more market share for Premiere Pro, which was facing stiff competition from Apple Final Cut Pro.
Working with product managers, marketing managers, product specialists, and UX researchers to analyze user friction points, we identified subjects that addressed user needs while showcasing the capabilities of Audition.
I proposed specific solutions and worked with the product and marketing team to refine the outlines. My contributions encompassed:
Results: Success. The value my contribution added to the campaign helped make Premiere Pro the leading non-linear video editing app.
Audition is still an integral part of the Creative Cloud production family of apps, and enjoys a robust user base, particularly among video editors who use After Effects and Premiere Pro.